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Punk / Skatepunk

A scathing circus of Punkrock cacophony, Question Tuesday blend their unorthodox writing prowess together through 3 distinctly divergent styles that somehow sew neatly together through the rasp of their curious design to form a glorious quilt of piquant punk. Spurned by social injustice and a nuanced grip on their personalized storytelling, Question Tuesday breaks through the walls of their contemporaries with a bull in the china shop mentality and guttural sound. Question Tuesday have been hitting the stages of Portland and the rural parts of Oregon for years, packing friends and punk rockers into their shows with their down to Earth, personable on stage strutting that airs on the side of shameless connectivity and naturally quirky comedic levity, solidified through a decade of gravel-gazed experience. There are many things to be skeptical of in life, but Question Tuesday always provides more answers than uncertainty. High five them on the streets and catch these heavy hitters at their next punkrawk show



Brandon Horwood-Averhoff – Guitar / vox

Andrew horwood – Drums / vox

Troy Parker – Guitar / vox

Dylan Car – Bass / vox